
Report : Huge Christmas Yard Sale

a Huge Christmas Yard Sale was held on Dec. 11, 2012. 20 booths including us joined this charity event. All donation and each booth's X% of profit will be sent to Tohoku Japan. 

We will inform you with more details and final numbers shortly.

Thank you for your support.


20 booths huge Christmas yard sale

date:  Dec 11th.Sunday
time:  9:30am~4:00pm
place: 3333 helms ave. culver city,90232

We have a large range of sellers (20 sellers) including hair dresser, massage therapist, healing therapist, handmade post card maker,felted soap maker, craft artist, handmade leather hand bag maker, jewelry maker…etc… Selling clothing, kids clothing, kitchenware, comic books, jewelries, shoes, bags, and so much more!

We also have pastries(ebisu Roll :), cookies, muffins, lunch, and drinks.

for more info  kahoo8@gmail.com